Tour Itinerary
Nepal programme designed by Curating Experiences For 05 Nights / 06 Days

Day 1 IN / Kathmandu

Upon arrival from your international flight our representative shall meet & greet you at airport and transfer to THE HOTEL for check-inn. Afternoon at leisure for independent activities or rest & relaxation. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 2 Kathmandu

After breakfast, visit with our guide, Kathmandu Durbar Square Listed as one of the eight Cultural World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Kathmandu Durbar Square is cluster of ancient temples, palaces, courtyards and streets that date back to the 12th and 18th centuries. The visit of Durbar Square includes the emple of Living Goddesses, who acknowledges the greetings of the devotees from the balcony of her temple residence, the Hanuman Dhoka Royal Palace, the historic seat of the Royalty; the magnificent Taleju Temple towering 40 meters. The capital takes its name from the giant pagoda of Kasthamandap, which is said to have been built of a single tree. The Kasthamandap has been destroyed in recent massive earthquake and will take some time to rebuild it. It has been the main focal point of the city’s social, religious and political from the Malla kings. Also visit, Swayambhunath Buddhist stupa this is said to be 2500 years old, The stupa which forms the main structure is composed of a solid hemisphere of brick and earth supporting a lofty conical spire capped by a pinnacle of copper gilt. In the afternoon visit, Patan – also known as Lalitpur is the city of fine arts, enclosed withing 4 stupas said to be built in 3rd century AD, by Emperoro Ashoka. Here you will visit the Shikahara style Krishna Temple built by King Siddhi Narshing Malla, Hiranya Varna Mahavihar – dating from the 12th century, the three-storied shrine, also known as the Golden Temple. Return to the hotel for overnight.

Day 3 Kathmandu / Pokhara

After breakfast, our representative shall transfer you to the airport to connect your flight to Pokhara. Upon arrival our representative shall meet & transfer you to THE HOTEL for check-inn. In the afternoon visit with our guide, Davis Fall, Gupteshwor cave and Tibetan Refugee camp. Return to the hotel for overnight.

Day 4 Pokhara

Early morning; visit Sarangkot to view the sunrise (subject to weather permit).  Return hotel for Breakfast.  In the afternoon visit with our guide, Shanti Stupa and take a memorable Boat ride on Phewa Lake.

Day 5 Pokhara / Kathmandu

After breakfast, transfer you to the airport to connect your flight to Kathmandu.  Upon arrival our representative shall meet & transfer you to THE HOTEL for check-inn.  In the afternoon, visit with our guide – Bhaktapur or Bhadgaon literally city of Devotees, is a major tourist destination. It is 14 km east of Kathmandu on the Arniko Highway that leads to the Chinese border still untouched by rapid urbanization and has managed to retain its brick paved roads, charming red brick houses and way of life that goes back to medieval.  Return to the hotel for overnight.

Day 6 Kathmandu / OUT

After breakfast, transfer to the airport to connect for your flight to home country.

 Call Us for details +91 9818006279
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